Th 4, 13/12/2017 | 09:52 SA

Announcement on the Result of the National Geographical Indicative Symbol of Vietnam Design Contest
The National Office of Intellectual Property announces the result of the National Geographical Indicative Symbol of Vietnam Design Contest…
The National Office of Intellectual Property (NOIP) gratefully acknowledges individuals and agencies who have actively participated in the National Geographical Indicative Symbol of Vietnam Design Contest.
By the deadline, NOIP has received 19 designs. (See the designs and their information here)
However, after careful consideration, the Judge Board could not find any design that thoroughly meets the criteria of the contest. Therefore, NOIP has decided not to select any of the designs mentioned above.
NOIP respectfully informs and hopes to receive cooperation from interested individuals and agencies in the near future.
Notice no. 050/TB-SHTT dated February 21, 2017 on the result of the National Geographical Indicative Symbol of Vietnam Design Contest can be downloaded here./.
The National Office of Intellectual Property
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