Th 6, 15/07/2022 | 13:19 CH

IP Annual Report 2021
In 2021, the COVID-19 pandemic gave widespread effects on all socio-economic activities around the world. Viet Nam was one among the countries that was heavily affected when the economic growth rate was 2.58% - the lowest in the past 30 years. In that context, innovative ativities and efforts helped the IP Viet Nam to minimize the effects of the pandemic to the state administration work on intellectual properties and achieve encouraging results in all areas, made a significant contribution to the development of science, technology and socio-economic of the country.
Those significant efforts were well demonstrated in formulating IP policies and laws, giving clear results. The draft Law revising a number of articles of the IP Law was heard at the October 2021’s session and are finalizing for hearing and approval at the May 2022’s session of the XVth National Assembly. Tasks under the Nation IP Strategy according to Decision no. 1068/QĐ-TTg of the Prime Minister were well implemented as planned.
International integration and cooperation activities on IP in 2021 were implemented actively, with successes of accession to the Budapest Treaty on the International Recognition of the Deposit of Microorganisms for the Purposes of Patent Procedure and negotiations of IP chapters in Free Trade Agreements in which Viet Nam participated. For the first time, President Nguyen Xuan Phuc and Minister of Science and Technology Huynh Thanh Dat paid a working visit to WIPO’s Headquater during his visit to Switzerland to discuss cooperation orientations between Viet Nam and WIPO in the coming time. In addition, in May 2021, Viet Nam successfully completed the AWGIPC’s Chairmanship for the 2019- 2021 term and transferred the task to the Philippines.
While the pandemic heavily affected the domestic economy, IP Viet Nam still strengthened and encouraged the protection of IP rights of stakeholders, ensuring the fair and healthy investment and business environment in Viet Nam. According to statistics, in 2021, IP Viet Nam received 75,410 applications for establishing industrial property rights; completely handled 74,559 applications (up 3.8% compared to 2020; equal to 98.9% of received applications) and granted 39,056 IP patents and registrations. This result continued to mark an important step forward in efforts to promote innovations and creativies in Viet Nam, creating motivation for future developments. IP asset development activities continued to receive special attention and promotion by IP Viet Nam. In 2021, IP Viet Nam granted 12 Geographical Indication Registrations for Vietnamese products. For the first time, geographical indications (GI) of two Vietnamese products were protected in Japan, namely Luc Ngan lychees and Binh Thuan dragon fruits. Also in 2021, the National GI Logo was approved by the Minister of Science and Technology, becoming an effective control and management tool and an identification sign for consumers, as well as a helpful instrument for promoting Vietnamese GI-protected products.
Going through 2022, this is not only a pivotal year to realize the goals of the Socio-Economic Development Plan for 2021-2025, but also the year of 40th Anniversary of the Intellectual Property Office of Viet Nam (July 29, 1982 - July 29, 2022). In addition to successfully completing regular tasks, the IP Viet Nam focuses on implementing a number of key tasks including: Continue to complete the draft Law revising the IP Law to submit to the National Assembly for approval in June 2022; implement effectively the National IP Strategy and the National Program on IP Asset Development to 2030; actively participate in international integration and cooperation of IP activities; complete and submit to the Minister of Science and Technology for approval the project of organizational structure consoldiation of IP Viet Nam for the period 2021-2015 and its following implementation; successfully implemented IT modernization projects and building and repair projects to improve equipments and facilities of the Office; promote the development of IP hubs at universities, research institutes and enterprises; speed up the reform of administrative procedures; deploy IP services to transform IP rights of enterprises and organizations into valuable assets, contributing to the development of the economy.
The successful implementation of the above tasks requires the solidarity and collective efforts of the IP Viet Nam’s leaders and employees, promoting its central role in the entire IP system of Viet Nam, contributing to promoting the development of science and technology activities in particular and serving the cause of socio-economic development of the country in general./.
IP Annual Report 2021 can be dowload here (single page view/ two page view).