Xuất bản thông tin Xuất bản thông tin

Th 3, 09/07/2019 | 01:07 SA

Xem với cỡ chữ Đọc bài viết Tương phản

Announcements on launching new ePortal of Intellectual Property Office of Vietnam (IP Viet Nam)

The new ePortal of IP Viet Nam at www.ipvietnam.gov.vn was officially initiated from July 1, 2019, according to Decision No. 3166/QD-SHTT dated June 28, 2019...

The new ePortal of IP Viet Nam at www.ipvietnam.gov.vn was officially initiated from July 1, 2019, according to Decision No. 3166/QD-SHTT dated June 28, 2019.
Its old website www.noip.gov.vn is now changed to www.web.noip.gov.vn, and still in operation at the same time with the new ePortal until the end of September 30, 2019.
Please kindly inform IP Viet Nam of any errors or inconveniences that may arise during the course of accessing the new ePortal.
The full text of Decision No. 3166/QD-SHTT dated June 28, 2019 can be downloaded here.
If you have any comments, kindly mail by post to: Industrial Property Information Center, IP Viet Nam, 386 Nguyen Trai St., Thanh Xuan Dist., Hanoi, Vietnam; or by email to: phongthongtin@noip.gov.vn. 
Best regards./.
Intellectual Property Office of Viet Nam