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Th 3, 08/12/2020 | 13:49 CH
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Geographical Indication Protection of “Khả Lĩnh” for Pomelo
On 13 November 2020, Viet Nam Intellectual Property Office has issued Decision no. 4473/QĐ-SHTT on granting Geographical indication registration certificate no. 00088 for Khả Lĩnh pomelo. People’s Committee of Yên Bình district, Yên Bái province is the organization in charge of managing this GI.
The origin of “Khả Lĩnh” pomelo dates back to over 300 years ago, when Khả Lĩnh village (today’s Khả Lĩnh hamlet) of Đại Minh commune was formed in the late 17th century. This is one of the two area that have the famous pomelo variety that made up the reputation for Đoan Hùng pomelo in history, and was mentioned in the folk song:
“Bưởi Đoan Hùng lừng danh chí tiếng
Là hai nơi Chi Đám - Đại Minh”
“The most famous Đoan Hùng pomelo
Is from Chi Đám - Đại Minh”
Khả Lĩnh pomelo is widely known as a characteristic variety of the area, a precious gift for visitors. According to legends from the feudal era, in this area, pomelo was so abundant that children used the fruit to make canoe. Pomelo fruit flowed down along the river and was picked up by the people in the downstream people. They found the fruit so tasty that they tracked upward the river and reached Khả Lĩnh village. Ever since, Khả Lĩnh villagers chose the best pomelo to pay tribute to the emperor every year.

Khả Lĩnh pomelo - The ancestral pomelo tree in Khả Lĩnh hamlet
Pomelo is an essential part of the lives of the local people. Nowadays, Khả Lĩnh pomelo plays an important role in the economy of Đại Minh commune in general, and of Khả Lĩnh hamlet specifically. Income from Khả Lĩnh pomelo is 1.5 to 2 times of that of other fruits, averages at 250 to 300 million Dong per hectare per annum, which helps the locals improve their livelihood and develop the local economy.

Khả Lĩnh pomelo plantation
The reputation of Khả Lĩnh pomelo is thanks to the natural conditions of the geographical area. Khả Lĩnh pomelo production area resides in Đại Minh commune, Yên Bình district, Yên Bái province, within the tropical monsoon climate which is hot and humid with abundant rain. The annual average temperature is 23.4°C – 24.4°C, annual average total rainfall is 1267.1 – 2414.2 mm. This area’s terrain is low, mostly flat riverside land and low hills. The differences in altitude between production areas is insignificant, and land inclination is low. Moreover, the hydrology of the area is determined by the Chảy river system, Thác Bà lake and a system of rivers, streams, ditches and canals, therefore it is very suitable for agricultural production. Thanks to the hydrology system, the soil in the area is always added with alluvium, loose and ventilated with good drainage. Thus the soil can avoid floods, salinification and alumification and become a fertile soil highly compatible for high quality fruit plants, especially pomelo. The mechanical composition of the soil is sandy silt and clay silt, pHKCL at 5.91 to 6.68 which is suitable for the development and nutrition intake of pomelo plants. Soluble phosphorus content is high at 174.26 mg/kg to 188.63 mg/kg which helps lower the total acidic content in fruit juice resulting in less sour taste. Total potassium content is from 1.18 % to 1.25 %, and soluble potassium is high at 140.24 mg/kg to 154,10 mg/kg which hightens the Brix degree, sugar content in fruit juice and lowers the skin thickness. Moreover, cation exchange capacity (CEC) in the soil is high from 41,38 meq/100g to 45,08 meq/100g, which help the plant absorbs potassium better, resulting in improved Brix degree. cũng giúp cho cây bưởi hấp thu tốt kali làm tăng độ brix.

Khả Lĩnh pomelo fruit Khả Lĩnh pomelo pulp
“Khả Lĩnh” pomelo has spherical shape with flat top and bottom. The pedicel is small and shallow, fruit weights at 462.70 g/fruit to 887.20 g/fruit, fruit height is 83.20 mm to 122.30 mm, fruit diameter is 69.57 mm to 128.70 mm. Thanks to the suitable natural conditions, pomelo from this region has distinctive characteristics comparing to pomelo of other areas. The fruit skin is very thin at 3.8 mm to 8.7 mm, which turns yellow, smooth and shiny when ripe. The rind is white, the pulps are consistent and juice with water content from 85.67 % to 89.82 %. The essence oil content in the skin is high at 1.48% to 1.71 %, with 44 to 51 oil pouches per cm2, resulting in the aroma of the pomelo. “Khả Lĩnh” pomelo has high Brix degree at 11.03 % to 12,75 %, total sugar content at 9.48 % to 10,71 %. Therefore, it has a slightly sweet taste with no acridity and sourness.
With over 300 years of producing pomelo, the local farmers has many experiences in planting, tending and harvesting the fruit, suitable with the characteristics of the plant and soil condition to bear high quality fruits. At the same time, farmers also apply new technology to come up with techniques such as cross insemination with sour pomelo, sensible use of organic fertilizers, selecting saplings from high quality mother trees to improve the productivity, protect and make use of the genetic features of Khả Lĩnh pomelo. Thanks to these efforts, the reputation of Khả Lĩnh pomelo is safeguarded and becomes more popular every day.
Center for Examining Geographical Indication and International Trademark
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